Customer Overview Dashboard

Walkthrough the Customer Overview Dashboard

Interactive Customer summary of cybersecurity and content filtering blocks across Endpoints

Tip! You can generate / schedule this Dashboard as a report using the Filtering Protection Summary report in the Report Library

Device Management

Quick Snapshot of deployment and licensing for a Customer

  • Endpoints - Number of Endpoints deployed and enabled
  • Networks - Number of Networks deployed and enabled
  • CyberSight - Endpoints where CyberSight is enabled
  • Seats consumed - Total amount of licenses in use across Endpoints & Networks for the Customer

Filtering - Endpoints

Snapshot overview of all Endpoint Filtering activity based on the selected Date range clickable into the the Endpoint Traffic Logs for deeper context

  • Requests Analyzed - Total number of DNS records processed by the Filtering agent
  • Content Blocked - Total number of DNS records blocked by Policy configuration
    • Categories: Web Content Filtering, Application Filtering
    • Websites: Block List
    • Geolocation: Block List
    • Settings: Unclassified Domains, URL Allow List Only
  • Threats Blocked - Total number of high risk DNS records blocked:
    • Categories: Security Filtering
    • Settings: Risk Level Access (high-risk URLs)
    • Malicious Domain List

Top Blocked Endpoints

Top 10 endpoints blocked in either Content or Threat categories with total count and option to View All and Export to CSV

Top Blocked Categories

Top 10 blocked categories for the attempted websites accessed with option to View All and Export to CS. View All also shows the Endpoint and User count associated

Note: If a website has more than 1 category, an Allowed category may appear in this list

Top Blocked Websites

Top 10 blocked websites attempted to be accessed with option to View All and Export to CSV. View All shows the Endpoint and User counts associated

Coming Soon!

  • Top Websites will add columns for Categories, Block Reason
  • All Top Blocked Widgets will be clickable to Traffic Logs for the exact records