In this article, we will walk through how to set up Jumpcloud MDM to deploy the Zorus Filtering Agent for macOS.
**During these steps, User-Initiated Enrollment was used. Internally we do not have access to Apple Business Manager/School manager to simulate automated device enrollment within JumpCloud**
Step 1. Once you have your Apple Push Certificate uploaded, you're ready to start uploading the provided MDM configuration profiles using the link below (note: This Apple Push Certificate is a step you should already have done if you have your MDM configured to manage devices) this is not a Zorus deployment step:
From here, you'll want to upload these profiles to Jumpcloud by navigating to the Catalog on the left sidebar and then clicking on MDM Profiles. Then download all 6 of these one by one, the download button is in the top right.
Step 2. Upload the config files one at a time as custom MDM profiles
Hit the "+" select "Mac" and type in "MDM" in the search bar and select "MDM Custom Configuration Profile"
Name the configuration files in the policy as they are named based on the download so it is clear what each file does.
MSP Filtering (Chrome)
MSP Filtering (Deployment Token)
MSP Filtering (Firefox)
MSP Filtering (Login Items)
MSP Filtering (System Extension)
MSP Filtering (TP)
Step 3. Under the "Policy Groups" tab select which customer you are deploying to, click the group, then select "Policies" here you can select the config files we uploaded and assign it to the customer you are deploying to. Then "Device Groups" would be "Mac Devices."
Step 4. Next we will upload the MacOS Script
Click the "Commands" tab and hit the "+" icon. Either choose "Command" or "Command After Agent Install" depending on your deployment preference.
Ensure you replace the token with your customer token in the script if you are not using the config file to pull the token.
Select "Device Groups" or "Devices" to push the script to.
From here you should see the agent deploying to your mac devices.