macOS Agent Uninstall

macOS Uninstall Guide for MSP Filtering Agent

This guide will walk you through the steps to uninstall the MSP Filtering Agent and associated components from your Mac. Whether you need to remove it for troubleshooting purposes or no longer require its services, follow these steps to ensure a complete uninstallation process.

Uninstalling via Scripts:

Step 1: Uninstall Script

Requires Zorus macOS Agent v1.11.0 or higher

If you encounter difficulties with the MSP Filtering Agent uninstallation, you can use the Terminal for a more forceful approach. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Terminal application. You can find it in the Applications folder under "Utilities" or use Spotlight search.

  2. In the Terminal, enter the following commands to uninstall the system extension associated with MSP Filtering:

    sudo /Applications/
    sudo /Applications/
    1. You'll need to provide your administrator password when prompted.

  3. You can also upload and distribute scripts through your Mobile Device Management (MDM) application

Step 2: Restart the Computer

  1. After uninstalling the MSP Filtering Agent and its components, it's a good practice to restart your computer to ensure that all changes take effect.

Manual Uninstall:

Step 1: Launch MSP Filtering App

  1. Locate the MSP Filtering App in your Applications folder or use Spotlight search (Command + Spacebar) to find it.

  2. Double-click on the MSP Filtering App to launch it.

Step 2: Unlock (lower-left corner)

  1. In the MSP Filtering App window, locate the unlock option, typically found in the lower-left corner.

  2. Click on "Unlock" and provide your administrator credentials when prompted.

Step 3: Uninstall System Extensions

  1. Navigate to the "System Extensions" tab within the MSP Filtering App

  2. Look for an option to uninstall the system extensions related to MSP Filtering. Click on "Uninstall" or a similar button.

Step 4: Verify Network Filters Uninstallation

  1. Navigate to the "Network Filters" tab within the MSP Filtering App

  2. Ensure that the network filters have been successfully uninstalled. This step is usually triggered by the uninstallation of system extensions.

Step 5: Auto-Run Tab - Undaemonize Services

  1. Go to the "Auto-Run" tab within the MSP Filtering App

  2. Look for services related to MSP Filtering and undaemonize each of them. This typically involves stopping these services from running in the background.

Step 6: Launch MSP Maintenance App

  1. Locate the MSP Maintenance App in your Applications folder or use Spotlight search (Command + Spacebar) to find it.

  2. Double-click on the MSP Maintenance App to launch it.

Step 7: Unlock (lower-left corner)

  1. In the MSP Maintenance App window, locate the unlock option, typically found in the lower-left corner.

  2. Click on "Unlock" and provide your administrator credentials when prompted.

Step 8: Auto-Run Tab - Undaemonize Services

  1. Go to the "Auto-Run" tab within the MSP Maintenance App.

  2. Look for service related to MSP Maintenance and undaemonize it. This typically involves stopping these services from running in the background.

Step 9: Empty the Trash Can

1. Right-click the Trash to Empty

2. Provide your administrator credentials when prompted.

Step 10: Restart the Computer

  1. After uninstalling the MSP Filtering Agent and its components, it's a good practice to restart your computer to ensure that all changes take effect.


You have successfully uninstalled the MSP Filtering Agent and its related components from your Mac. Whether you used the MSP Filtering Agent's built-in uninstallation process or opted for a Terminal-based approach, your computer should now be free of the filtering software.

If you encounter any issues during the uninstallation process or have further questions, please don't hesitate to seek assistance from our support team.