Zorus Portal Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Setup

In this article, we will be going over how to set up MFA authentication for your Zorus partner portal.

Zorus provides three robust mechanisms for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to enhance your account security:

  1. Email
  2. SMS (via Authy): Download Authy
  3. Authenticator App: Compatible with any TOTP provider

Account Owners and administrative users with User Management permissions can configure their MFA settings by navigating to My Account.

For all other users, MFA settings will be determined and configured by the Administrator during account creation or modification.


Account Owners / Administrators

  • Step 1. Navigate to My Account
    • Left Navigation: Users > My Account
    • Upper Right Profile: Click on your profile > Edit

  • Step 2. Click the Authentication tab > select Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) settings> Save. 

Standard Users

  • Step 1. Navigate to User Management

  • Step 2. Click Add / Edit User

  • Step 3. Select the preferred Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) settings


Initial Configuration

When users log in for the first time after setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), they will be prompted to configure their chosen method:

  1. Email
    1. No configuration required. Users will immediately receive an email with their MFA code at the point of login.
    2. Enter the 6-digit code provided.
  2. SMS
    • Enter your cell phone number to set up Authy (must be pre-installed: Download Authy)
    • Choose to:
      • Send a push notification to approve in the Authy app, or
      • Request a text message with the code.
    • Enter the 6-digit code provided.
  3. Authenticator App
    1. Scan the QR code using your preferred TOTP app
    2. Enter the 6-digit code generated by the app

Regular Login

Once configured, the user will only be prompted to enter a 6-digit code based on their selected method, ensuring a seamless and secure login experience.