Browse: Global Endpoints

Review and manage deployments Globally


Effortlessly scan and manage devices globally across customers, swiftly filter for actionable insights like errors, outdated systems, disabled functionalities, or group overrides, and audit or export your findings with utmost simplicity


  • Quick Filters
    • Agent Error - The agent is currently unable to establish a connection with our Policy Servers.
      • Please verify that Zorus is not being obstructed by your network or firewall settings.
      • Consider restarting either the device or the Zorus service to address the issue.
    • Isolated - The endpoint is blocking all inbound and outbound traffic, including direct IPs, local traffic, and VPN
      • You can hover over an Endpoint to Isolate / Release Isolation from the Portal
    • Outdated - The agent is operating on an older version. To initiate an update:
      • Restart the device
      • Execute the installer via your RMM for a forced update
    • Disabled - The agent is currently deactivated, resulting in the absence of filtering or logging for CyberSight data.
      • To re-enable, utilize the toggle or combo boxes
    • Overrides - The agent is operating with exceptions configured from the parent group, which are displayed as icons in the Settings column.
      • You can reset these settings by editing the group and syncing them again

  • Export to CSV - export the records to CSV for further analysis
  • Refresh - get latest list of Endpoints and any status changes
  • Generate Deployment Token - get a new Customer token to deploy and register an Agent with the Portal

Grid Columns

  • Customer - Name of Customer Endpoint is associated with
  • Group - Name of Group the Endpoint is assigned
  • Endpoint - Name of Endpoint
  • Logged in User - Last logged on user of the Endpoint
  • Type - Workstation or Server
  • OS - Name of specific operating system detected on the Endpoint
  • Local IP
  • Version - version of the Zorus agent running on the Endpoint
  • Products - the product features enabled on the Endpoint
    • Shield - Filtering is enabled and Passive Mode is not enabled
    • Report - CyberSight Business Intelligence is enabled 
    • Puzzle Piece - CyberSight Browser Extension (Full URL data) is enabled
    • Network - A Network is configured that the Agent has connected to
  • Settings - Group settings / permissions 
    • Globe - all settings are inherited from the Group
    • Icons - overridden settings are indicated by individual icons
  • Log Level - level of logging for support and diagnostics
  • Traffic Log Setting - log all traffic, log blocks only, log nothing
  • Agent State - current state of Agent connecting to our Servers and/or any errors
  • Last Seen - the relative time the Endpoint has last connected to the Policy Server
    • Hover state displays complete date/time
  • Enabled Toggle - whether the Agent is enabled / disabled
  • Actions
    • Isolation - block all inbound and outbound traffic, including direct IPs, local traffic, and VPN except configured allowed addresses
    • Edit - edit applied group settings / override settings
    • Delete - delete the Endpoint / de-register from Filtering
      • Note: Deleting an Endpoint does not uninstall the Agent. Please uninstall the Agent first before proceeding with deletion.
    • Ellipsis
      • View Group - view / edit applied Group settings
      • View Policy - view / edit applied Endpoint Policy
      • View Traffic Logs - quickly toggle to selected Endpoint's traffic