macOS Alpha / Beta 1.x

macOS Release Notes for Alpha and Beta 1.x Releases

macOS Beta 1.19.0 - February 8, 2024

Interface Improvements

  • Implemented an automatic flush of the DNS Client (mDNSResponder) when a device switches networks or reconnects after sleep. This prevents issues where the previous connection fails to close properly, potentially causing a failure to intercept traffic and subsequent DNS failures
  • Improved the stability of the connection from the Agent to the Zorus Policy Servers by enhancing resilience in handling scenarios where DNS client responses are unavailable
  • Enabled the Diagnostic tab to facilitate logging and compiling capabilities for effective issue resolution within the MSP-Filtering App
  • Upgraded .NET to enhance performance, security, and compatibility, ensuring a more stable and reliable operation
  • Introduced the ability to modify Inter-Process Communication (IPC) Settings within the Configuration tab of the MSP-Filtering App. This advanced capability is designed to assist in troubleshooting various issues. Please exercise caution when making modification


  • Fixed an issue where a previously processed Unblock Request could not be resubmitted
  • Fixed an issue where re-submitting a Deployment Token would result in the re-registration of the Agent

Known Issue

  • Identified Zorus Blocked page loading issue on macOS Sonoma Beta 14.4; monitoring for updates or resolution from Apple before considering it a potential bug

macOS Beta 1.15.1 - December 5, 2023

Interface Improvements

  • Created the MDM Deployment walkthroughs for Addigy, Jamf Pro and Microsoft Intune
  • Added support for GeoIP Filtering
  • Added support for Pause Filtering
  • Added end user feedback and extra error handling for Unblock Requests
  • Updated EULA to point to central location


  • Fixed an issue where DNS was failing after switching Networks
  • Fixed an issue where DNS would fail after coming from prolonged sleep due to conflicts with Apple Proxy standards

macOS Beta 1.9.0 - September 19, 2023

We're thrilled to introduce the Beta version of our macOS Agent, featuring the highly anticipated Agent Updater. This long-awaited addition keeps the Agent current with bug fixes and new enhancements and allows you to offer the macOS Agent to your customers.

TL;DR: We've got the Beta version of our macOS Agent, featuring the Agent Updater. Need to install it? Check out the install guide here.

Key highlights in this release:

  • Agent Updater: Keep the Agent up-to-date effortlessly with bug fixes and enhancements. **A computer restart may be needed for the updater to trigger.
    • Important Note: In certain cases, a manual update approval may be required by the user due to Apple security restrictions. For automatic authorizations, when required, a connection to a MDM solution is essential (see MDM example attached).
  • Logged On User: Capture the logged-on user in Traffic Logs for improved user management.
  • DNS Issue Fix: Resolve the DNS failure issue when disabling an endpoint from the portal.
  • Deployment Token CLI Support: Add CLI support for setting deployment tokens.

Our Beta focus:

  • Primary Beta Goal: We are testing the Agent in more environments to ensure Filtering runs without issues before marking it as Stable.
  • Important Note: If your macOS is currently running on Sonoma Release, please be aware that we are seeing a potential issue with sleep mode recovery. Proceed with caution for these users. 
  • Planned Enhancements
    • Geolocation IP Filtering Support: Enhance Filtering context with Geolocation IP Filtering support.
    • Direct Portal Download: Allow convenient Agent downloads from the portal.
    • Block Page Feedback: Provide user confirmation on blocked pages that their unblock request was submitted successfully.

Future updates (no fixed timeline):

  • DOH/DOT Support
  • iPad Support
  • Zorus CyberSight Support and Safari Browser Extension
  • Uninstall Password
  • Tray Notification / Tray Icon

We're excited about this progress and appreciate your feedback during Beta, as it's instrumental in achieving a stable Q4 release.

macOS Alpha 1.6.0 - August 9, 2023

We value your participation in the macOS Agent Alpha testing and would like to share some updates with you.

We've developed a new bundled installer that streamlines and enhances the installation process, making it easier to set up manually or using an MDM tool.

We have also successfully resolved the DNS resolution issue that occurred after installation (which has been the hold up). This issue was caused by a .NET bug on macOS related to memory handling. Zorus Filtering is now considered stable and ready for (re)testing!

What's New:

  • Single application installation with a user-friendly interface
  • Admin Application for monitoring service status and setting Deployment token
  • Feature parity improvements, including integration with traffic logs, permission settings, unblock requests, log levels, whitelabeling, passive mode, and more!

While we've made significant improvements, we still have a few pending issues to address before launching the official Beta/Stable version of the macOS Agent. The list of issues is as follows:

Pending Issues:

  • Feature: Agent Updater
  • Feature: Automated Deployment Token
  • Bug: Disabling a macOS Endpoint from the Portal causes DNS resolution to fail
  • Bug: macOS version Ventura (v13.x) fails on 1st install and succeeds on 2nd try

To gather more feedback on the new installer's performance in different environments, we are reopening the Alpha testing. If you're willing to uninstall and reinstall the macOS Agent, please reply to this email, and we will provide you with the necessary instructions and the download link.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

macOS Alpha 1.1.6 - May 30, 2023

Alpha Feedback
  1. Issue around Agent recovering from sleep / restart that would result in either Filtering not working or DNS not resolving
  2. Connection / visibility in Zorus Portal Traffic Logs is a MUST
  3. Agent Updater is needed to deploy out further
  4. Apple / Browser settings for Secure DNS (DNS over HTTPs) which bypasses Zorus can be an issue that is not easily managed (like it can be with Windows)
    1. Partners conveyed that this is not directly a Zorus problem, and should be able to enforce workarounds through Microsoft Intune or MDM tools to manage this 
Missing Feedback
  1. Installation process opportunities 
  2. Insights on installing with Microsoft Intune or MDM
Next Steps
  1. New build available! For Partners willing to uninstall and run through the manual install process again, the new build contains fixes for the sleep / restart issue, hooks up the traffic logs, and more!
  2. Zorus shifted focus to an Agent Updater - Partners are willing to go through the install in many cases if the Agent will stay updated as it is enhanced.
    1.  We believe we can enter a soft launch Beta when this is done, and return to the fresh install process / app bundling from there
  3. FOCUS GROUP on Feature Parity items THIS WEEK - I believe most of you are already registered for this session but including the link


macOS Alpha 1.1.5 - May 10, 2023

We are excited to announce that our powerful web filtering solution, Zorus Filtering, is now available for macOS devices. With this release, we're expanding our platform support to provide comprehensive web filtering solutions for users of all types of devices.

We are currently seeking alpha testers to help us fine-tune the software before its official release. As one of our valued Partners, we would like to offer you the opportunity to sign up for this exciting new release.

To sign up, simply create a Support ticket requesting alpha access. You will receive a confirmation from Support on next steps for installing the Agent. Once you have deployed on a couple of internal devices, we ask that you use it regularly and provide us with your feedback.

We believe that Zorus Filtering is a game-changer in the world of web filtering, and we are confident that you will find it to be an invaluable tool for protecting your devices and staying safe online. With your feedback, we can ensure that Zorus Filtering for macOS is optimized to meet your specific needs.

Thank you for your continued partnership, and we look forward to your participation in this exciting new release.