Zorus Network Security

An agentless filter designed to help fill the gap of securing networks where you don't manage the connecting devices.

Zorus Network Security leverages our advanced algorithms to analyze and filter network traffic in real-time providing a strong layer of security against malicious websites, phishing attempts, and other potential threats for Wide Area Networks (WANs).

Network WAN Configuration

Add and Manage WANs to securely connect your Networks for Security Category and Allow/Block List Filtering

Add a WAN
  • Permissions Required: Full Administrative Access to All Customers OR Manage Endpoints & Groups + Modify Seat Count
  • Settings - Note: You can Edit these settings at any time
    • WAN Name to Filter and identify the IP with a friendly name
    • Network Address to be connected and filtered by ZNS
Zorus supports all valid IPv4, IPv6, or Dynamic DNS addresses. You can learn more about configuring this field at the following article: 


    • Zorus Policy to use for Filtering Rules
      • Note: ZNS currently only supports the following settings on a Policy
        • Categories: Security Filtering, Web Content Filtering
        • Websites: Allow/Block Lists
        • Settings: Force Safe Search

Assign Licenses Seats

  • In the Add/Edit WAN modal, you can assign the number of Filtering Seats to be assigned to a particular Network
  • WANs have a 5 seat minimum per month which will cover the average Guest Wi-Fi usage for most customers 
  • If you are covering Networks for full time employees, you should assign Network Seats per employee. The base 5 seat minimum should cover 5 full time employees accessing a Network in most cases.
  • Queries per Month is auto-calculated based on seats applied. This number is used to monitor incoming traffic to alert you whether or not you have assigned the appropriate amount of Network Seats to the WAN

Set your DNS

  • Zorus DNS Anycast Networks: |
  • To start filtering at the WAN, you need to set the DNS of the router or endpoint to one of our Anycast Networks
    • Note: For the best filtering experience, we recommend only using ZNS at the router level, and deploying our Agent at the endpoint level. No DNS changes are required when deploying our Agent at the Endpoint!








  • It is recommended you Release and Renew the IP Config for Users accessing the Network
    • Run Command: C:\Users\[username]>ipconfig/release|ipconfig/renew

Disable / Delete WAN

If you need to ever Disable or Delete a WAN from the ZNS filtering, you will be prompted with an extra confirmation that you have reset your DNS settings to mitigate the risk of losing access to the internet

Network Logs

Review active Network activity with our Network Logs page

  • Read only access to Network WANs and Network Logs filterable by Day, WAN, Filtering Result
  • Ability to Export to CSV on demand based on Filters and Row count
  • Permissions Required: Full Administrative Access to All Customers OR Access Endpoint Logs