Unblock Requests

In this guide, we'll walk you through the Unblock Requests feature, including how to set it up, and how to use it.

Quick Navigation

Overview | Managing Requests | Notifications

Using Unblock Requests is straightforward: When encountering a blocked page, users simply click 'Request Access to Page' to kickstart the process. This action immediately notifies admins through both the Portal and customizable email alerts, ensuring quick attention. What sets Unblock Requests apart is its inclusion of vital context, such as the blocked URL, user details, and endpoint information. This allows admins to efficiently evaluate requests, either allowing or denying access as necessary. Once approved, users receive immediate taskbar notifications on their device, streamlining the resolution process transparently and effectively. 

Unblock Request Overview

By default, all Endpoint Filtering pages feature an option for end users to request access to the page. You can manage this feature's availability at the Group or Endpoint permission level using the "hide unblock request" checkbox.


  • Step 1: User clicks 'Request Access to Page' from a Blocked website
    • Option: User can submit a reason they want access with their request

  • Step 2: Portal and configured emailed receive a notification

  • Step 3: Request is actioned in the Portal

  • Step 4: User is notified of the decision
    • Option: Ignore and don't notify user

Managing Requests

Users with Full Administrative Access to All Customers or those with Manage Endpoints & Groups for specific Customers are granted permission to manage and process Unblock Requests. Processing a request involves two main functions:

  • Allow: Users can choose to either add the requested website to the Customer-specific Policy or include it in the Global Policy for all Customers. 

Note: Allow actions result in a Policy change, adding the entry to the Policy's Websites configuration. Allow listing bypasses all Security and Malicious Web Filtering measures.

  • Deny: Users have the option to either ignore the request without notifying the user or explicitly deny the request and notify the user.

Additionally, users have several other actions they can take before processing the request:
  • Smart Logs: This feature allows users to view the 5-15 seconds before and after the block page to gain context on how the block occurred. This is particularly useful when dealing with requests for obscure websites, as it provides insight into the user's activity leading up to the block

  • View Policy: This option allows users to gain a deeper understanding of the policy configuration to better discern the triggers for the block


Individual User Notifications

Users with Full Administrative Access to All Customers or those with Manage Endpoints & Groups for specific Customers will have access to a toggle feature enabling them to activate or deactivate individual email notifications for their respective accounts.

Note: Unblock Requests notifications are ON by default

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Global Notifications

Users with Full Administrative Access to All Customers will find a "Global Notifications" option on their Account page. From there, they can set up an email address for their account to send notifications to your ticketing or support desk.

Note: Individual emails will also still send if the User Preference is toggled ON

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